Sunday, August 20, 2006

"Don't F@#k With Wendy Testaburger..."
...or me for that matter. The fine people at News Corporation/Intermix Media/MySpace did me a solid. Thank you! While I realize that there are people out there that just think I'm being a royal bitch (which I can be) and raining on their parade, I am not out to hurt anyone's fun, or just trying to be spiteful. What I am trying to do however is protect my interests. When a person or persons (either knowingly or not) portrays themselves as my business, it takes away from my actual business, and hurts both the employees income, the club's and can be confusing to people. When you (intentionally or not) are taking business away from me, I take that as if you are stealing from me- and I don't appreciate anyone messing with my livelihood (nor should you want anyone interfering with yours)! !
Again, I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and patronage of JB's!